Symptoms: ADHD is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that affects daily functioning. The symptoms of ADHD are typically grouped into two main categories:
For a diagnosis of ADHD, symptoms must be present for at least six months, occur in more than one setting (such as home, school, or work), and cause significant impairment in daily functioning.
Who It Affects: ADHD affects both children and adults. While symptoms typically appear in childhood, they can continue into adolescence and adulthood, often affecting one’s academic and occupational success. It is estimated that about 5% of the global population has ADHD, with a higher diagnosis rate in boys than in girls. However, many females with ADHD may be underdiagnosed, as they often show less overt hyperactivity and may primarily exhibit inattention.
Psychiatric Treatment: Treatment for ADHD typically includes stimulant and non-stimulant medications. Stimulant medications are the most commonly prescribed and help increase brain activity related to attention and impulse control. Non-stimulant medications may be used when stimulants are ineffective or cause side effects. In addition to medication, behavioral therapy is often recommended, focusing on teaching coping strategies, organizational skills, and methods to manage impulsive behaviors. Therapy can be particularly effective in children, and for adults, lifestyle changes and support groups may also help manage symptoms.